Chapter 29

1 Anyone who keeps making the same mistakes and refuses to accept correction will suddenly be ruined beyond repair.
2 When good people lead, everyone is happy; but when bad people rule, everyone is sad.
3 Anyone who loves wisdom makes their father happy, but someone who hangs out with prostitutes wastes their money.
4 A king makes a country strong by fair judgement, but someone who takes bribes ruins it.
5 Someone who praises their neighbor too much is setting a trap for them.
6 When a bad person does wrong, they get caught in a trap, but a good person is happy and sings.
7 Good people think about the needs of the poor; but bad people don’t care to know them.
8 Mocking people trap a city, but wise people calm anger.
9 If a wise person argues with a foolish one, whether they get angry or laugh, there is no peace.
10 Violent people dislike those who are honest, but righteous people care about their well-being.
11 A foolish person says everything they think; but a wise person keeps it to themselves for later.
12 If a leader listens to lies, all their followers become bad.
13 The poor person and the liar come across each other; God gives light to both of their eyes.
14 The king who judges the poor fairly, his rule will last forever.
15 Discipline and correction lead to wisdom, but a child left alone brings shame to his mother.
16 When more wicked people exist, wrongdoing grows, but good people will see them fail.
17 Discipline your child, and they will bring you peace; they will bring joy to your heart.
18 Where there is no guidance, people fail; but those who follow the rules will be happy.
19 A worker won’t change just by talking to them; even if they get it, they won’t respond.
20 Do you see someone who talks without thinking? A fool has more hope than him.
21 The one who raises his servant with care from a young age will eventually have him as his own son.
22 A mad person causes trouble, and someone very angry commits many sins.
23 A person’s pride will cause their downfall, but respect will support those who are humble.
24 Anyone who partners with a thief hates themselves: they hear cursing but do not report it.
25 Being afraid of people can trap you, but trusting in God keeps you safe.
26 Many people try to win the leader’s approval; but God gives each person’s decision.
27 A dishonest person disgusts the honest, and someone who lives rightly is hated by the wicked.